Reader's Comments:
Murder Almighty (2005)
LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT! It grabbed me right from the start... It was a great/fun read. Quick and suspenseful...Great job!
- Reviewer in California's Central Valley
...compelling and provocative...[with] deft characterizations. The convoluted plotting is awesome.
- Writer's Digest (2010)
... a Vatican thriller like Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, but more believable ...
- Reviewer in the East Bay Area, CA
...a cross between 'The DaVinci Code'[by Dan Brown] and 'The Plot' by Irving Wallace...packed full of the diabolical doings of the church...[the author] populates his novel with intriguing characters and a lavish attention to setting...almost cinematic -- it would make a good movie.
- Writer's Digest (2008)
This fascinating story will take readers on an amazing journey…
- Books2Mention Magazine
A cracker-jack book! Very timely, very credible, and full of intrigue of a very different type.
- Reviewer in California Wine Country
I couldn't put the book down... The dialogue was ever so believable. I stayed up until 3:00 am one night and finished the book the next day...haven't done that for a long time.
- Reviewer in Illinois
…couldn't put it down … I found it fascinating … I remember very well the drive from Sorrento to Positano, and that scene in the book was just as exciting as when I was on that road … I truly enjoyed reading Murder Almighty … I learned a lot about the Church, and [the author] handled the skeptic and the devout very astutely.
- Reviewer in Wisconsin
I enjoyed [the] fine writing … [The author] gave quite a primer on the institutional Church…
- Reviewer in Michigan
A fast-paced, well-plotted tale with an intriguing backdrop... The author's ability to dip us into one element of the plot line, leave us hanging in that while he shifts into another...feels like an expertly-woven tapestry.
- iUniverse, publisher's review
I like the concept, the irreverent theme, the story line...and the detailed description of the geography, local color, local places of interest... It gives the reader an authentic feel for the region, town, Inn, restaurant that makes for a fine read.
- Reviewer in Marin County, CA
For the aficionado of murder/mystery novels, Murder Almighty is a real treat ... just when the reader is dying to find out what happens next, ... we are steered into another area. And finally, to my great surprise, the book ends on a very positive note ... Enjoy!
- Reviewer in Contra Costa County, CA
This is [the author's] best work to date.
- Reviewer in Bay Area
Good job! I thoroughly enjoyed it, hard to put down...an excellent tale!
- Reviewer in Oklahoma
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